Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blogvember Day 4!

The end of another day on the countdown! Today was a little less exciting, only one quick shopping trip to World Market for the last of the Groomsmen gifts. After that Rick and I went to my grandparents' house to celebrate all of the birthdays from the month of October and November. We have a total of 4 birthdays in about a two week span so they got combined into one celebration this year. Everything was just pretty chill, and Rick and I are so tired... so there was not much to "film." That's why the video is from bits and pieces of yesterday.  Tomorrow is an exciting day because we are going to the county to get our marriage license! After that I am forcing myself to sit down and at LEAST make a packing list. It would be nice if I started packing tomorrow but let's be real. I am a black belt in the art of procrastination.

See you tomorrow! ~A

Blogvember Day 3!

So I missed a day. But only by about 12 hours. I have been trying to video document some of the things we do this week leading up to the big day! I promise that later today I will have a video summary of the past two days.. and a real blog post. This one is kind of wimpy. Yesterday was filled with  a lot of shopping... on Saturday. Pretty much there was a lot of waiting in line, remembering things at the last minute, etc. Today is more shopping! Ha!, and a birthday celebration. My cousin will be there, who is a bridesmaid... so perhaps I will convince her to do something for Blogvember!

See you soon! ~A

Friday, November 2, 2012

Blogvember Day 2!

Day 2 of Blogvember! I finally finished the seating chart, and got that all laid out in a readable form. Truthfully, that was a lot harder than I expected it to be. It's been awhile since I was in any form of a Math class, but do you remember those word problems? "If Susie's family of eight wants to sit across from Mark's family of 4, but next to Sam's family of 3... How many chairs do you have left?" Nevertheless, it got done. I also submitted my top picks of bridal shots to the photographer and will just be surprised when the 16x20 portrait shows up at my door. My photographer leaves early next week not to return until the morning of our wedding! Everybody bow your head and pray that God and the good people of American Airlines are all on the same page next Saturday. I NEED her flight to be on time!

I've been filming bits and pieces of today, and will combine it with tomorrow's adventures for another video update! See you tomorrow!


Thursday, November 1, 2012


Blogvember! It is officially November...which means we are officially getting married this month! I have decided to make myself put something on this blog every day until the wedding! I will be trying to film as much of these next 10 days on my phone as I can, so you can come on the crazy train with me! Yesterday was bridal portraits, today was seating organization. Apologies for the choppy video, my phone went dead yesterday after the bridals so I had to combine yesterday and today for this video. See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy One Month Countdown!

Well Folks, exactly ONE MONTH from today we will be getting married! It doesn't quite seem real until you say it out loud. We have been engaged for well over a year, and it all comes down to the home stretch! Things are falling into place, and we are tying up any loose ends that we can. One thing we were able to cross off the list this week was Engagement photos. A little late in the game, yes, I'm aware. However, we have now accomplished them and it was no easy task, let me tell you. I myself dabble in the art of photography, and it seems much different to be on the other side of the camera. It was so much work! Oh, and did I mention that both Rick and I happen to be sick as dogs on the day of the shoot? Perfect. Unfortunately, when you wait until the last minute to have engagement pictures done, there really is no more room for "rescheduling." So, we popped a few tylenol... and away we went. Let me first say that I positively can not wait to see the pictures, because I am 100% sure we will love them. Our photographer is fabulous, and I trust her completely. That being said, we worked hard for those shots! There were tree-climbing incidents (I have bruises to prove it!), "alleged" illegal moving of barriers for the sake of the background (I saw NOTHING), a hay fight (my photographer and her assistant helped me pull hay out of my hair for 20 minutes!), walking past the "Patrons are NOT permitted to change clothes in the restrooms" sign to go in and  what else? - change clothes, and mastering the art of being PERFECTLY still while standing in the middle of a creek (Don't ask me to explain this one, just wait until the pictures get here!) I will share them with you as soon as they are put up on her website!

Talk to you soon, and Happy One Month Countdown!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Surviving on caffeine and adrenaline!

37 days. I am getting married in 37 days. 37. Days. Oh my.

To say that this past week has been "busy" would be a gross injustice. I have been in a six-day wedding hurricane. We are absolutely on the home stretch and feeling it. My life is like this: Pay Sandals the remaining balance so we can be done with it (yay!), Contact invitation designer to find out that her printer is broken and your invitations will be done later than expected, Fill out DJ forms to include the songs you love (and the ones you don't), Coordinate with photographer regarding upcoming engagement session (a little late, I'm aware), Buy out every lantern you find from 3 different Hobby Lobbies (If you are looking for a lantern... you're out of luck because I own them ALL), Pick out delicious Italian food for catering (definitely not complaining about this one), Wine tasting for shower and wedding (you know...because we HAD to), Pop your head in to say "Happy Birthday Grandpa!", Meet with Invitation lady to see your beautiful invitations!, Help your Mom pick out a dress for the wedding (fyi to the Nordstrom lady... Pacific Blue and Smoke are two different colors), Speak with photographer about the next day's engagement session to find out she broke her foot and reschedule (Hope you feel better), Break down with stress overload (An apparent right-of-passage for every bride to be), Cake testing at 9:30 AM (Delicious... I am down for cake for breakfast any day), Pick out linens and table runners (Amen for Lisa's pre-rental store Math), Find out that your beautiful custom invitations still need to be mailed (and like, today), RUN into the post office before they close to pick out wedding stamps (Only one kind in the 65 cent category? I will take them.), Find out that the fabulous customizing you had done to the invitations makes them almost impossible to stay shut (and make a 10 pm run to Kroger to buy every glue and tape they have), Publicly apologize through your blog to anyone who will have trouble opening your invitation as you have done everything but staple them shut so they will stay (Just thought I'd slip that one in here.)

Woah. Slow your roll, Honey, because it has only just begun!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

My First Shower!

Bridal Shower, that is. Last Saturday marked the "kickoff", as I've been calling it, to all of the wedding festivities! My Beautiful MOH threw an amazing shower that I shall never forget! Everything was perfect... there were a lot of fabulous people, Rick and I were blessed with many wonderful treasures, and the food. OH the food. Must give credit where credit is due. Elle did a great job of planning the food, along with her Momma, and my bridesmaids Nikki and Emily. There were BLT sandwiches, fruit skewers, pasta salad, Veggies and dips, Buffalo chicken dip, "Pink peacock punch", and individual cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes. I think we need to have a silent moment of appreciation for these cakes. These cakes are going to be the reason I don't fit in my dress. If you haven't had one, stop reading and go get one.

This shower is what got me excited for everything else that's to come. I call it the "kickoff" because after this, there is a wedding "something" almost every single week and weekend until the BIG DAY. So Cheers to Noelle for creating the perfect start to my own personal wedding season!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


White sand. Clear blue ocean. Palm trees. Mango mimosas. Lobster tail. These are the phrases that I use for meditation. I find that when wedding things start getting stressful, repeating these words does wonders! Of course, I am talking about our HONEYMOON! We are going to spend 8 fabulous days at the Sandals Royal Plantation in Jamaica! We chose this resort for the all-inclusive feature, the fantastic reviews (of the hotel, staff, and the food), and for the fact that our suite comes with butler service! I absolutely cannot wait to be sitting next to the ocean and have my drink replaced before I even finish the first one. This resort has a private beach, and we plan on using the watersport inclusions to the fullest! And can you believe we will have a butler?!? Not sure I'll know exactly how to have a butler, but I have a feeling it won't take long to figure it out! ;)  Can you say "Jeeves, I WILL take that second margarita now."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Hello! If you're here, it's probably because you got our Save the Date! You are definitely in the right spot, and I put this picture here to prove it! This website is where I post everything from our proposal story, to venue hints, to wedding party introductions! I want this to be an interactive place where all of our friends and family can see how this wedding is coming together! Having a blog like this allows for everyone to "chime in" and have conversations with us about the latest developments! So feel free to use and abuse the comment option, and don't forget to become a subscriber so that you get notified when we put up a new post! Things are really starting to come together, so I plan on posting on here often! In the meantime, scroll through the past postings, and get up to speed! See you soon!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Things Are Happening!

Hello!! It's only been like 6 months since I've updated everyone... so much for "a blog post every week," huh? The truth is that up until the past couple of months, nothing wedding related was really happening. You know about my theory that there are three busy/chaos times in wedding planning? Right after you get engaged... the middle of engagement (about 6 months from the wedding date)... and the month leading up to the big day. This is definitely accurate so far. We're getting married in exactly 149 days from today, and the pressure to make decisions / choose vendors etc. has definitely made itself known! As of right now, I have  a dress, a place, a groom, and a honeymoon. If you're thinking... "well, that's all you need!", you would be soo wrong. There are so many details to weddings, it's unreal. I'm excited for everything to come together, and enjoy our wedding day... but that only comes with blood, sweat, and maybe a few tears. One of the reasons I started this blog was to share the process with everyone, so you can get excited with me! I don't want to lay out every single detail (because I want there to be SOME surprises!), but I can't help from sharing some things! We have a real, live date! NOVEMBER 10th! And, I wasn't lying when I said that we have a venue. We are getting married at a beautiful place in Plano, and she goes by the name of "Palais." And yes, it's a "she". My stepmom, Lisa, was able to hook this up for us, and we couldn't be more thrilled! So I'll give you a little sneak peek so you can be excited with me!